Input and Output Devices | Chapter 3 | Computer Notes | Class 5

input and output devices chapter 3 computer notes class 5
Note Sanjal

Input and Output Devices Chapter Three (3) Computer Notes Class 5. Check Class-Grade 5 Notes of Computer Science, Chapter Three (3) - "Input and Output Devices".


1. Write Input or Output in the blanks next to the devices listed:

a. Mouse - Input
b. Scanner - Input
c. Monitor - Output
d. Printer - Output
e. Web-camera - Input
f. Keyboard - Input
g. Speaker - Output
h. Joystick - Input
i. Microphone - Input

2. Write 'T' for true statements and 'F' for false statements:

a. Output devices are used to give instructions to the computer. F

b. The caps lock key is used to type all letters in small case. F

c. Mouse is a pointing device used to point objects and give commands to the computer. T

d. Touch pad is used as output devices in the laptop computer. F

e. The devices that are used to get result in the computer are called output devices. T

3. Write down the functions of the following keys.

Keys Functions
Delete key The Delete Key is used to remove anything such as letter, word of sentence from the document.
Spacebar key Spacebar Key is used to put a blank space between letters, numbers or words.
Enter key Enter Key is used to move the cursor to the next line before reaching the end of the current line and also used to confirm the given instruction to the computer.

4. Write down the use of the following mouse actions.

Pointingto point any item on the monitor screen.
Clickingto select an item or open a menu in the computer.
Double clickingto open items (files folders or programs) on the computer.

5. Answer the following questions:

a. What are input devices? Write any four examples.

Answer: The devices that are used to enter data and instructions into the computer are called input devices. The four examples of input devices are-
i. Keyboard,
ii. Mouse,
iii. Joystick,
iv. Scanner.

b. Explain the method of using touch pad?

Answer: The method of using touch pad are as follows:
i. To move the pointer on the screen.
ii. To select an object on the screen.
iii. To start a program or open a file, folder.
iv. To access a shortcut menu or find more information about an object on the screen.
v. Move an object on the screen.

c. What are output devices? Write some commonly used output devices.

Answer: The devices that are used to get result from a computer are called output devices. Some commonly used output devices are-
i. Monitor,
ii. Printer,
iii. Speaker.

d. What is monitor? Write it's types.

Answer: The monitor is a primary devices of a computer that provide visual display. The types of monitor are -
i. CRT-Monitor,
ii. LCD-Monitor,
iii. LED-Monitor.

e. What is printer? Write it's types.

Answer: Printer is the basic output device that is used to print the output on the paper. The different types of printer are -
i. Dot Matrix Printer,
ii. Ink Jet Printer,
iii. Laser printer.

f. What is speaker?

Answer: The speaker is an output device which produces sound from the computer.

6. Select the correct answer for the given options.

a. Which of the following is input device?
i. Keyboard
ii. Printer
iii. Hard disk

Answer: i. Keyboard.

b. Which key is used to delete letters from the left side of the cursor position?
i. Space bar key
ii. Delete key
iii. Backspace key

Answer: iii. Backspace key.

c. Which is the soft copy output device?
i. Monitor
ii. Printer
iii. Scanner

Answer: i. Monitor.

d. The process of pressing and releasing left mouse button twice is called
i. Pointing
ii. Clicking
iii. Double clicking

Answer: iii. Double Clicking.

7. Write the full forms of the following:

a. CRT - Cathode Ray Tube
#Fullform of CRT is Cathode Ray Tube.

b. LCD - Liquid Crystal Display
#Fullform of LCD is Liquid Crystal Display.

c. LED - Light Emitting Diode
#Fullform of LED is Light Emitting Diode.

d. IO - Input Output
#Fullform of IO is Input Output.

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