Computer Overview | Chapter 1 | Computer Notes | Class 5

computer overview chapter 1 computer notes class-grade 5
Note Sanjal

Computer Overview Chapter One (1) Computer Notes Class 5. Check Class-Grade 5 Notes of Computer Science, Chapter One (1) - "Computer Overview".


1. Label the different parts of system unit in the following figures:

Fig - A
a. CD/DVD Drive

b. USB Port

c. Audio In/Out Port

d. Power Button

Fig - B
a. Audio In/Out Ports

b. USB Ports

c. VGA Port

d. PS/2 Ports

e. Ethernet port

2. Match the following:

Column A Column B
a. Power Button Used to read/write data from DVD.
b. USB Ports Used to power the computer on and off.
c. DVD Drive Used to connect various audio devices.
d. VGA Port Used to connect different USB devices.
e. Audio In Port Used to connect monitor with the system unit.


Column AColumn B
a. Power ButtonUsed to power the computer on and off.
b. USB PortsUsed to connect different USB devices.
c. DVD DriveUsed to read/write data from DVD.
d. VGA PortUsed to connect monitor with the system unit.
e. Audio In PortUsed to connect various audio devices.

3. Fill in the blanks with the words from the box below:

VGA Computare Instructions CPU

a. A computer performs different tasks according to a set of instructions.

b. The word computer is derived from the latin word computare.

c. VGA port is located at the back view of system unit.

d. CPU is the main processing device of the computer.

4. Answer the following questions:

a. Define a computer.

Answer: A computer is an electric device or machine that process raw data to give meaningful information.


A computer is an electonic machine that can perform different kinds of tasks according to a set of instructions given to it.

b. What are the basic parts of a computer?

Answer: The basic parts of a computer are:-

i. Monitor,

ii. System Unit,

iii. Keyboard,

iv. Mouse.

c. Draw a pictures of front view of a system unit.


d. How does a computer work? Explain with an example.

Answer: A computer works according to the basic principle of Input, Process and Output.


To add the number 1,2,3 using computer.

Input - Data: 1,2,3

Processing - 1+2+3

Output - 6.

e. Write any four characteristics of a computer.

Answer: The four characteristics of a computer are -

i. High speed,

ii. Accuracy,

iii. Versatile,

iv. Dilligent.

f. Write any four areas where computers are used.

Answer: The four areas where computers are used are -

i. School,

ii. Hospital,

iii. Bank,

iv. Office.

5. Write single word for the following statements.

a. The repeatedly working capacity of computer. Dilligent

b. The result obtained after processing of data. Output

c. An error that is due to wrong input. GIGO (Garbage-In-Garbage-Out)

d. The main processing device of computer. CPU

e.  A capacity of computer that tells that it can be used in almost all the fields. Versatile

6. Write full forms of the following.

a. VDU - Visual Display Unit

b. CPU - Central Processing Unit

c. USB - Universal Serial Bus

d. MHz - Meghahertz

e. GHz - Gigahertz

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